Monday, February 9, 2009

QOTW: Feb 9-13

Happy Monday Ladies! Here's this week's QOTW. If you have an idea for QOTW please e-mail it to

What are some things that you find yourself doing with DC that you swore you never would?

I swore that Nathan would watch no tv, none. However, I've discovered that the Backyardigans are a lifesaver when he will not settle to drink his bottle. He can be like an anaconda when I try to feed him, so I pph that show since the music really helps him to relax. He also loves Oswald and the music breaks on Noggin. I think I may have a future tv addict on my hands.

~Leslie (MrsD_111106)


  1. I'm right there with you, Leslie! My DS loves sesame street and elmo's world, so when those are on and we're home, I'll let him watch them. I figure hey, if I can get some housework done and he can be entertained by a learning show, it's not so bad! I also never thought I would get him a walker, but he is over playing in his exersaucer, so we bought one to keep in our kitchen and he LOVES it. I can get dinner done while he zooms around everywhere.

  2. I was wondering if anyone was going to comment on this one!! Hellooooo? Anyone else out there???

  3. I also let McKayla watch a little bit more TV than I thought I would. I try to make a concious effort to turn it off, especially if it's been on all morning long (I watch the Today show when I first wake up). But when she's super fussy and I'm trying to get dinner finished up I've been known to turn on some Miss Spiders Sunny Patch, she LOVES all those little critters.
    I also thought that I'd make more of an effort to make home-made baby food so she wouldn't have to eat "processed" food. So far she's gotten 99.9% store-bought babyfood. The few times I did make food for her she spit it I guess the "processed" stuff isn't all that bad ;)
    ~Devin (JaysGrl32903)

  4. I swore we would not co-sleep. Well Wyatt is almost 9 months old and still sleeping in our bed. I also said that he would not watch TV and I have to say that sometimes Noggin and PBS can be a saver.

  5. We're in the same situation with the TV. I swore we would never let her sit in front of the TV, but Lily loves Sesame Street. We also had to co-sleep for a while because going without sleep for 8 months was just too much for me. Nothing that's going to kill her- just stuff I really didn't want to do. Oh well!

  6. I'm glad I'm not alone!! I've been feeling like such a failure because I have the TV on way more than I ever intended to. I really don't let him be in front of it too much when I'm with him (dh has him during the day, and I don't really know how much he has it on), but it's so hard when I want to settle down and relax with him while he has a bottle. I've noticed he's becoming more aware of it, too. Ack.
