Sunday, February 22, 2009

QOTW: Feb 23-27

Well, here is our last QOTW for February. Were is the time going??

Has your little one reached any milestones this past month? Anything else you'd like to share?

As usual, I'll go first! Nathan sat himself up for the first time last Tuesday which then rolled into a little bit of crawling. As of today, Sunday, he is a pro at sitting up and crawling. Where did my little baby go??


  1. Meredith sat herself up this month as well. She is crawling now too! OH, and she has one bottom tooth!

  2. Nicholas started crawling this month. He has gotten pretty fast, might I add. He is also starting to pull himself. He has 2 more teeth coming through making that 6 teeth!! He also started doing this growling thing.. We call him our little dinosaur! Its pretty cute. This has been a busy month!!

  3. We have a total of 4 teeth (2 came in this month)and we are standing and almost walking unassisted. So close.

  4. 6 teeth
    pulling up
    cruising with shopping cart toy
    mama and "baba"


  5. I just have to comment again at how neat it is to see where our kids are at. Some are just crawling with only a few teeth (like Nathan) and others are already walking with a full mouthful. Just goes to show how kids will reach those milestones when they're ready.

  6. McKayla started crawling and pretty soon after that she started pulling up on EVERYTHING!! She balances really well and can stand unassisted for 30 seconds at a time and has cruised on our living room furniture a few times. She can feed herself finger foods which is awesome!!

  7. He's just started to figure out the 'army crawl'. He'll get up on his hands and knees sometimes, but I don't think he quite realizes what he's doing yet! He's also getting much better at feeding himself finger foods. Now I just have to come up with things to give him.
