Sunday, February 15, 2009

QOTW: Feb 16-20

Good morning ladies!

Here's this weeks QOTW:

How have you changed since becoming a mother? Mentally, spiritually, however you want to take it.

I find that I am much more patient now than I ever was. I'm definitely taking more time to appreciate little things like snuggling with Nathan when he falls asleep. He's getting so big now that it's hard to fit him sideways with me in our glider. I love to just sit and watch him figure things out and discover. I've also got a whole new empathy for parents that I never had before. When I'm at the store and a kid is losing it and crying, I used to get a little annoyed with the parents for not keeping their kid under control. Now, I definitely feel for the parents rather than feel annoyed now that I've been in that same situation.

~Leslie (MrsD_111106)


  1. I think the biggest thing that has changed is slowing down and taking time to enjoy watching McKayla develop into a little person. It really seems like just yesterday the only things she did was cry and eat (not sleep...). But now she's doing soooo much, it's become really important for me to stop whatever I think I need to be doing and spend time with her as she discovers the world around her. She's so curious and inquisitive, I love watching her move around and explore.

    Unfortunetly I'll admit I've also become more anxious when it comes to straying from our schedule/routine...although I guess I've always been like that. Whether it's trying to do multiple errands during the day or planning our first flight to Florida...I get overwhelmed thinking about the logistics and how it will effect her schedule. I often have to remind myself that she's probably more adaptable than I give her credit for and that everything will work itself out.
    ~Devin (JaysGrl32903)

  2. I think the biggest thing that has changed about myself is my motivation for doing things. I find that I am always thinking of my son when I make a decision, whether it be joining the gym (who would watch him? do I want to bring him with me?) or what we're having for dinner! I used to be very independent, and still am to a point, but I am also noticing that I need to be around people alot more now that I have my little one and I'm a SAHM...I need alot more interaction with other adults. Whereas when it was just DH and I, I was perfectly content doing whatever by myself.

  3. I feel that I have grown as a woman. I have more specific goals and I am taking action on them. I am motivated more and less likely to sit around and do nothing. He has inspired me to create a business that will hopefully allow me to stay home and spend more time with him. I am also more patient with my DH and am not such a stickler for being on time.

  4. I don't really know if there is one big thing that has changed about me. I know that I am more at peace when I am with him. I don't feel a huge need to get everything done when he's around. There are plenty of hours when he's sleeping that I can clean the house or do laundry. I'd rather take those waking hours and just sit and watch him explore and grow. I know that I won't be able to ever get this time back, so I want to make the most of it.
