Sunday, March 8, 2009

QOTW: Mar 9-13

Thanks to the anonymous commenter on last week's QOTW for this week's question. It's very appropriate after last night (DS was awake from 2-4am. Fun!). :)

Anyone's baby recently changed the sleeping schedule?

Here's my answer:
DS has suddenly had some pretty drastic changes in sleep. The last few nights, he's been having trouble staying asleep and I keep finding him whimpering while sitting up in his crib. He's also been having a bit more trouble falling asleep on his own during naps. I used to be able to just lay him down and give him his blanket. He would pull the little thing over his head and conk out. The past week, he's wanted me to rock him and not leave the room. Good times. Hopefully he's teething or going through a growth spurt or something because I do not like this change one bit.

~Leslie (MrsD_111106)


  1. Wow, it's so funny that this is the QOTW this week!! DD just recently started whimpering/crying at night, thankfully she's been able to put herself back to sleep but a few nights I've thought that I'd have to go in and rock her.

    She also used to go right to sleep when I put her down, now she talks then fusses for a while before finally setteling down. I've noticed that going in and letting her see me only prolongs the process and gets her more worked up so I just peek in and make sure she's okay and give her some more time.

    And it seems like she's starting the transition to 1 nap a day, she wants to stay awake longer in the AM and doesnt really settle down for a PM nap. So...lots of sleep changes going on!!

  2. Wyatt has gotten a lot better about going to bed at the same time every night. Well until DST. However, he has become alot more restless at night. We cosleep and I have started to wonder if he is not getting good rest because he doesn't have enough room. We are beginning the process of transitioning him to his own bed and hopefully that will help.

  3. Yes, but the best kind of change--he's FINALLY STTN! DS has been a terrible sleeper and he seems to have finally turned a corner, thank goodness.

  4. I had no idea this was on here. Yes she was up from 11 - 1:30 last night. I'm not sure if it's teething or not. UGG! she's been an avid STTN'r since about 6 weeks so this is new for me.

  5. His sleep patterns have definitely been all over the place in the last couple weeks. Two weekends ago, he woke in the middle of the night, which he hasn't done in ages, and wouldn't go back to sleep. I ended up bringing him in bed with me so that we could both get some sleep. He was off like that for the next couple nights, we thought he was teething (since it's taking your life in your hands to go into his mouth, we typically just do a quick once over then go with the outward signs of teething). Then out of nowhere, he was back to his 7:30-4:30, bottle, then sleep until 6:30. NOW, his naps are all over the place. Four total hours of naps one day, maybe 2 hours if we're lucky the next. Maybe it has something to do with him crawling more. I'm clueless at this point.

  6. His sleep patterns are all messed up. A couple of weeks ago he started waking up screaming, only he's not really awake! Just crying in his sleep. Takes a lot of rocking to get him into a quiet sleep. Then last week he started waking up at some point between 1:00 and 5:00 hungry. I think we're going to have to change the eating schedule now. Maybe that's next week's question...
