Monday, March 23, 2009

QOTW: Mar 23-27

After a long few days with DS, the question this week just popped into my head.

What sort of things do you do to help you de-stress and unwind after having difficult days with DC?

My favorite thing to do is honestly sleep. I love to take a nap and I honestly feel much calmer and relaxed after I can catch some shut eye. I also like to read or be crafty when I have the time.


  1. This is going to sound strange, but nesting helps me to calm down and de-stress. Also, reading or a long, hot shower!

  2. While I'm having the bad day, I pray for bedtime :-) Then, it's straight into my pj's and into bed with a book or magazine. If it's been a particularly hard day, I'll talk with my mom (we talk every night). She usually helps me put things into perspective.

  3. I agree with ugabrat! I like to nest. It makes me feel like I'm hanging out with a group of people who understand exactly what I am going through. So, I'll nest for an hour or so and I feel so much better :-) Strangely, I also love to go bargain shopping. I'll gather up my deal of the week at CVS or Target and bask in the glow of getting something for nearly nothing!

  4. When I need some down-time I Nest and watch my favorite TV shows that my hubby will never watch with me like Jon & Kate, People Court, and Wife Swap. Usually all of those shows make me feel better about whatevers going on in my life!! LOL
