Sunday, March 1, 2009

QOTW: Mar 2-6

Wow! It's March already! Where has the time gone? If you suggestions for questions, please email them to Here's this week's question:

Have you started planning DC's birthday party yet? If so, what type of party are you doing - big, small,etc?

My answer, as usual:
I just started planning Nathan's party this past week. We are planning on having a relatively small party at a local park, just bbq kind of stuff. We have a pretty big family, so it may end up having quite a few people at it, hence the park. We'll probably just get regular old party decorations, but nothing too fancy. I'm not really into a big gigantic theme party for a 1 year old, but to each their own!


  1. I've been planning in my head :-) We are doing a jungle theme since Benjamin LOVES animals. I found plates, bowls, cups and napkins in the Target dollar bins a few months back and nabbed a bunch. So, we're using those and I'm sure we'll be adding some other basic decorations. It will be held at our house and will be pretty small--about 15 people or so since most of our family is hours away :-( We are looking forward to celebrating this amazing first year :-)))

  2. I have a feeling I will end up going overboard, which to me is silly, and I'll still do it! We're doing a girly pastel bee theme! She doesn't really like anything else enough, and everything she has has bees on it because we call her godmother Aunt Bee. SO I'm making homemade signs, and making bees with pastel colored glitter on them! We're inviting all of my family, and think we'll do a specific time, and not do an open house.

  3. We've just started planning. I'm very excited about the party planning even though I don't want my little guy to grow up any faster than he already is! We'll be having a good sized party--I have a huge family. The theme is Curious George. I haven't decided if we'll do lunch meat sandwiches or grill out.

  4. I haven't done any planning yet. I'm still in denial about year 1 being over.

    Recommended QOTW: Anyone's baby recently changed the sleeping schedule? Mine has been up every night this week, something he hasn't done since month 1.

  5. We have a general idea. His birthday's on a Thursday, so we'll just have my parents over that night for dinner. Then that weekend, we'll have the rest of our families and a couple close friends over for his 'party'. That's as far as I've gotten so far. My friend has taken up making cakes, so she offered to make his. I'm still trying to figure out what it will look like.
