Monday, March 30, 2009

QOTW: Mar 30 - Apr 3

Well ladies, it's the last QOTW for March!

What sort of activites are you looking forward to doing with you LO as the weather gets warmer?

I'm really looking forward to more park trips and eventual trips to the beach. We are also going to spending a lot of time swimming in pools this summer. We've already been spending a lot more time outside than we did earlier this year.

~Leslie :)


  1. I am looking forward to spending the 4th in Charleston and watching fireworks (our new tradition that we started last year). Wyatt's swimming lessons and hanging out at the pool. Also, we may go camping too!

  2. I'm really looking forward to the beach! And seing him toddle around in his board shorts!!! He loves water so I'm sure we'll spend plenty of time playing in pools and sprinklers :)

  3. I can't wait to spend more time outside in general - this winter has been WAY too long! Spending more time at the park, especially if he starts walking soon! Seeing what he'll be like in the pool (I can't wait to see him in his swimsuit!). Watching him explore the outdoors. My friend has also talk about us all going to the Long Island shore. We'll see how he takes to the beach.

  4. I'm looking forward to taking him camping and boating this year! We took him last year, but he was so little! We all tented last year, and he did great, but I can't wait to see him excited over everything. I bet he will totally love seeing fish that his daddy catches! We go with my parents and sisters/brothers in there's tons of love (and extra hands!) to help us. Now, if only NY would warm up :)
