Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mommy/Baby Spotlight

This week's Spotlight is shining on Alison (Bartsgirl) and Benjamin:

DOB: May 5, 2008 at 7:07 am (A cinco de mayo baby)
Wt: 5lbs 11oz
length: 20 in.

Here is Alison's story:

Benjamin was due June 15, 2008...Father's day! However, he decided that he was ready to come out 6 weeks early. May 4th at 8:00pm I stood up in our family room and SPLOOSH! I looked at my husband and said, "I did not just pee myself. I think my water broke." I ran into the bathroom in complete shock and yelled for him to get me the phone so I could call the after hours line. The nurse told me to get to the hospital because if my water had broke the baby was coming. I was completely freaked out. I didn't even have a bag packed yet. So, my husband ran around the house like crazy packing a bag and we got to the hospital by 9pm. Once we arrived at the nurses station I broke down crying. I was so scared and just couldn't hold it together anymore. They put me on Magnesium to try to stop my labor. They hoped to stop it for a day or two so they could give me steriods to get his lungs stronger. After 5 hours it still hadn't stopped and I was 6 cm. But 6:30am I was 10 cm. At 7:07 am Benjamin Bartholomew was born a large 5 lbs 11oz and 20 in long. Benjamin was whisked to the Special Care Nursery where he spent the next 9 days. My little boy finally came home on May 14th and it has been a whirlwind ever since! Benjamin is now 19 lbs 14oz and 28.75 inches. He is a happy, precocious little boy, and the light of my life.

Thank you to Bartgirl and little Benjamin for sharing their story with us this week!!!

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