Tuesday, April 14, 2009

QOTW: April 13-17

Sorry about not putting this up yesterday. I was substitute teaching and completely spaced. :) Anywho, here's this week's question.

In looking back over the past year with our LO's, is there anything that you would do differently? Not something you necessarily regret, more of just something you would change.

The one thing I can think of that we did when DS was a few months old was try to feed him every single time he woke up at night. Then we'd get frustrated when he'd only eat an ounce of formula and fall back to sleep. He had passed his birth weight and only needed to eat once or twice, not five or six times. What the heck were we thinking? I realized after a few weeks of this that he just needed to suck on something. So, we would give him a pacifier sometimes and he would just go back to sleep. Silly new parents.

1 comment:

  1. Looking back, I wish I hadn't gone in to check on him with every little noise he made. I've learned in the last six months that he tends to make really cranky noises while he sleeps. I probably could have avoided having to spend 20 minutes soothing him and getting him back in his crib if I had just let him go.
