I know that we have all read the posts about STTN and many of us may have babies that do this. I do not have a baby that STTN, but he only wakes up once so I am lucky on that. I was thinking over the weekend that I would love to get advice on how you have handled your child STTN? Does your child STTN? Did your child STTN and now doesn't? Or are you like me and your child doesn't STTN and you have just learned to adjust?
What advice has helped you to get through those rough patches (if any)? Or do you have tried and true advice to getting your child to STTN?
Remember, next Tuesday is our next Mommy/Baby Spotlight and if you are interested please email us with your information and pictures.
Thanks Ladies!!! Have a great day!
Hi5, Xanga, Tagged, Blogger Comments @ 123glitter.com
This is a great post! I struggled with this "STTN" situation for a while now. I say that because EVERYONE feels they need to give you their 2 cents. "You need to have her cry it out" or "my child STTN by 4 months...etc. etc. My daughter is 9 months (this week) and still is only waking once. She is breastfed. Recently a lactation consultant told me that even at 9 months old STTN= anything greater than 5 hours. So technically my daughter is STTN. Just not sleeping through MY entire night. I too do not mind getting up once.
ReplyDeleteThe best thing I did was ignore everyone's advice and follow what my heart told me. My daughter is a good baby. She goes down for bed at night with no problem. When she wakes for the feeding she is all business....she eats, basically sleeps through the diaper change and is off to sleep again. Now if she is a year old and still doing this I may have to do something...I dont know. I hope she will wean the one feeding by then.
I just follow my heart to what I think is best for me and my daughter. If you listen to all the advice that you get it may make you crazy.
I try to view this one feeding as our quite time together. It wont last forever.
I guess I am one of the fortunate ones, but it didn't come easily. Ian was an OK sleeper, until teeth started to show up at 4 months. It was up 2-3 times a night after that. That may not be as bad as others have had to endure, but when I had to be up at 5:30, and his last waking was at 4:30, it was getting to be very exhausting.
ReplyDeleteThe breaking point came for me at Christmas. We were out of town, visiting dh's family, and Ian just would not sleep. Each night was a struggle, with some of the worst tears I've ever seen him conjure up. I had borrowed Dr. Ferber's book from the library, and had slowly been making my way through it. I was on the fence about trying it, but I decided on the last night of our trip that I couldn't go through another night of barely sleeping myself.
Most would not think that that night would have been the best time to try it, but I did. I told my husband what I was doing, and he being the stronger one that me, and knowing how close to impossible it was to get Ian to sleep at that point, said to go for it. He slept for 5 hours before waking, longer than he had for the entire vacation.
I guess my advice would be is just go with what you're ready for. I am extremely pleased with my son's sleep - usually 10 hours a night. And I am so happy that getting him to sleep each night is not a struggle. If I hadn't taken action when I did, I don't know what our nights would be like at this point.
But you know, there are times when I miss those 2 am wakings, when it's just Ian and I in the rocking chair snuggled together with a bottle. Or just curling up with him until he falls asleep. I know I'll get that back someday in another way, but it's just not the same.
I can only say I'm sorry to everyone who has to go through sleeping issues. Our daughter has really been wonderful when it comes to sleep time.
ReplyDeleteWhen she was first born I had her sleep in bed with me and I would say she woke up every 2-3 hrs or so. Around 3 months we moved her into her bed and setup a bedtime routine that had her asleep for the night by 10pm. It's been a while since then but she would wake up once or twice during the night to eat.
Since then we now have a routine that has her in bed at 8pm. I think we may have started this around 4-5 months. Every 2-3 days we have bath nights which we start at 7:15. About 7:30 she gets dressed for bed during which we have a little silly time on her changing table. At 7:45 she and I nuggle in her rocking chair and read a book and sing songs. Sometimes she'll fall asleep on my shoulder and sometimes she won't. But either way I put her down in her crib at 8pm. Unless she's having a bad dream or has a poppy diaper (which is rare) she'll sleep through the night and wakes up at 6:30 this next morning.
I'm not sure how we managed to luck out. I'd like to think we must have done something right. I really tried to set up a nighttime routine early on so Morgan knows it's time for bed and what's coming next. And we've always been good about putting her down when she's drowsy but not yet quite asleep so that way she learns how to fall asleep on her own. Even if she's still awake she's rubbing her eyes and resting her head so I always know when she's tired.
But honestly I think she started sleeping through the night as soon as she discovered her thumb! I swear that thing is a life saver!