This is our second Mommy & Baby Spotlight, and our spotlight is shining on Kimberly and Joey (bump name: iHeartJoe). Joey was born on May 1, 2008; he weighed 6 lbs 4 oz and was 20 in. long. Here is Kimberly's story:
We got off to a rough start having a fairly traumatic birth experience and emergency c-section (developed pre-eclampsia and was induced 3 weeks early) , awful postpartum care in the hospital, and intense postpartum depression. I had my ideal birth experience in mind, but knew to be open and flexible because things don't generally go as planned. Even still, I had a really tough time accepting the c-section and still struggle with the feeling that my body let me down. But in the midst of all that we managed to get one thing absolutely right, despite lousy help from my nurses and LC's: breastfeeding. Joey latched and nursed like a champ within our first few feeding sessions and I finally felt like my body hadn't failed me and at least I could do one amazing thing for my son! We were literally forced to supplement with formula at the hospital, which we instantly stopped once we were home and I was able to continue feeding my baby boy while he continued to grow and thrive! He is at his absolute sweetest during feedings and I love our snuggle time. I'm proud of myself for being able to stick with it this long and love the special bond that we have, in part because of this special part of our relationship.
We would like to thank Kimberly for sharing her story with us and for the picture she submitted.
Our next Mommy/Baby Spotlight will be on Feb. 24th (Wyatt's 9 month birthday) so please send in your submission (with info and picture by the 22nd). You can email us at
Have a great day!!
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